Magyar László András : Princess of Kuscan
L. A. Magyar (59) is a medical historian, translator, poet and a prolific writer. He has published 57 books including scientific works, annotated translations, poetry or collections of short stories. Latter are influenced by three main factors, namely by the author's historical studies, by his ironical and philosophical attitude and by his typical Central European background and experience. While reading Magyar's works we wander from the Balkan to Haiti, from the 16th century to the World War II or to the eighties. His characters sometimes are Spanish Dominicans, sometimes Jewish lawyers, or mysterious young ladies of uncertain origin. Something however never changes: the deep respect of the author for human fate and for the significance of human life. These enigmatic, elaborate, imaginative stories display Magyar's talent for turning fiction upside down by playing with form and genre and toying with language.
English translation by Vera Gáthy.
Részlet a könyvből
Terjedelem: 61 oldal
ISBN: 978-615-5578-27-4
Személyes átvétel a kiadóban (ingyenes)
Belföldi csomagolási és postaköltség 1500 Ft
2022 szeptember 1-től csak magánszemélyeknek tudunk számlázni
Szerző: Magyar László András
Szerkesztő: Dezsényi Katalin
Borító: Friss Krisztina
short stories